Understanding the Chakras System: Viewing Your Wellbeing through the Nexus of Mind, Body, & Soul
What is the Chakra system?
The chakra system is my go-to methodology to support my clients and take care of my own well-being. These days most people have heard about the chakra system. However, many people don’t understand it completely or fully appreciate its potential to determine where there are imbalances in their mind/body/soul beings. So let’s explore this ancient system dating back to approximately 2,000 BC.
Wikipedia well explains that the chakras were first described in Hindu text as part of esoteric beliefs about physiology and psychic centers that emerged across Indian traditions. The belief held that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions, one "physical body" and other "psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical"; it is called the "subtle body". The modern Western chakra system arose from multiple sources, starting in the 1880s, followed by Sir John Woodroffe's 1919 book The Serpent Power, and Charles W. Leadbeater's 1927 book The Chakras, which introduced the seven rainbow colors for the chakras that we use today.
The 7 energy wheels/centers (aka 7 chakras) are part of our subtle selves (i.e. can't be seen) and run from the base of the spine to the top of the head with the central energy channel, the Sushumna, running through each. Thinking of it as a flowing energy system makes it easier to understand that when there is an imbalance in one chakra, it can make it more difficult for the prana/energy to flow to the other ones.
The first three chakras are all about the individual and the physical world. They focus on issues of security and stability, sexuality/sensuality, and identity. Collectively, they are referred to as the lower triangle. They are important for a strong foundation of self. You then transition at the heart center, shifting focus from self to community and a source higher than ourselves. As you continue advancing up the Sushumna, you enter the subtle energy realm of self.
The Influence of Chakra on Life
The chakras/energy centers encompass every aspect of your life. They are related to your physical, emotional, and psychological self. What I find so impactful is the holistic perspective that the chakra system takes. It encompasses your mind, body, soul, and spirit. So it can be a profound tool to assess your well-being at any point and help you focus your energy to bring your holistic self back into greater balance. That’s saying a lot so let’s unpack some of these terms to delve into the depth of the chakra system.
What is the difference between mind, body, soul, and spirit?
I mentioned above that the chakra system encompasses the mind, body, soul, and spirit. Let’s spend a few minutes on each term so that we have a common understanding. The physical body is a straightforward concept. I like to remind myself, though, that it allows my soul to have an earthly experience to learn the lessons I have chosen for myself in this lifetime. So as we begin to see ourselves in a more holistic way, we can’t separate our physical bodies from our souls.
So where is my mind located? Pandya’s research paper entitled, Understanding Brain, Mind and Soul: Contributions from Neurology and Neurosurgery explains that the brain is the organ of the mind just as the lungs are the organs for respiration.
So what is the difference between the soul and the spirit?
It depends on who you ask. According to Christianisty.com, Christians define the soul as our mind, our emotions, and our will. The spirit is our spiritual and deeper connection with the Lord. Buddhists and Hindus don’t differentiate between the two. They do, however, have different concepts on what it is. The Conversation explains that within Hinduism, there has never been a time when souls did not exist. All of us have existed into the infinite past. Thus, we are all bound to Samsara – the infinite cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Like Hinduism, Buddhism accepts there was no time when we were not bound to the cycle of birth and rebirth. But unlike Hinduism, it does not believe there is an eternal, unchanging “soul” that transmigrates from one life to the next. There is nothing permanent in us, any more than there is any permanence in the world generally. The Muslims have a similar perspective to the Christians. According to Understanding the Soul in Islam, one’s spirit is seen as a person’s higher level of consciousness in relation to Allah. Like a mirror, a pure heart reflects divine light from the spirit into the world. In order to achieve such a pure heart, one must follow the influence of the spirit upon the heart, as opposed to the whims of the lower self.
The Different Chakras of Matter
The first three chakras/energy centers are called the chakras of matter because they relate to the physical realm. They relate to our sense of stability, creativity/sexuality, and identity. Collectively they are referred to as the lower triangle of the chakra system. When balanced, they provide a strong foundation for the chakras that relate to the subtle realm and for overall well-being.
The First Chakra (Muladhara): Set a Solid Foundation for Vibrant Well-Being
The Muladhara chakra (aka root chakra) is found at the base of the spine, the first chakra is the foundation for our emotional and mental well-being. It is related to the earth element and therefore provides a sense of groundedness. It is also associated with the color element red. If it is not stable then anything that you put on top of it can easily be off-kilter. It is influenced by the beliefs instilled in us as small children and any early childhood trauma. The sources for these beliefs are our parents, teachers, and other people in positions of authority. At a young age, we don’t have the capacity to discern which beliefs are consistent with our authentic selves. Living by these tribal rules is key to survival and acceptance. As we get older and develop this awareness, there may be a rub between what we were told to be and how we are being called to be.
So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
ability to stay focused and complete task
a sense of loyalty to the tribe
If it is deficient in energy, you can:
always be in survival mode - personally, financially, physically
have boundary issues - not being able to say no, prolonging gratification
feel scattered
If it has excess energy, you can:
have fear of change
The Second Chakra (Svadhisthana): Expand Your Creative Self
As we move up the Sushumna/central energy channel from the first chakra of stability and groundedness, our energy begins to transform into the fluidity of the energy of the water element and element of choice. The Svadhisthana chakra (aka sacral chakra) is located in the region of our reproductive organs. It is also associated with the color element yellow. Carolyn Myss, the author of Anatomy of Spirit, shares the profound learning that the second chakra provides in our individual spiritual development. “The challenge of the second chakra is to learn what motivates us to make the choices we do. In learning about our motivations, we learn about the content of our spirits. Are you filled with fear or are you filled with faith? Every choice we make contains the energy of either faith or fear and the outcome of every decision reflects some extent of that faith or fear. This dynamic of choice guarantees that we cannot run away from ourselves or our decisions.” At the second chakra, we store memories, emotions, and info on how we relate to others. Our beliefs about relationships and sexuality reside in this energy center.
So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
ease and flow of life
ability to easily tap into your creativity to find solutions to new problems and adapt to new situations
If it is deficient in energy, you can:
experience fear of change, self-doubt, or addiction.
experience fear of being controlled by someone else or loss of control.
If it has excess energy, you can:
find it challenging to manage your emotions
an unhealthy relationship with sex
The Third Chakra (Manipura): Strengthen Your Spiritual Warrior
From the perspective of spiritual growth, the third chakra (aka solar plexus chakra) may be the richest. It is the center of our personal power. The Manipura chakra is located at the navel point, 2-3 inches below the belly button. It is also associated with the color element orange. The seat of the spiritual warrior, protector of ideals, principal, and honor, s/he’s ultimate opponent is the warrior’s own self. Sit with that concept for a few minutes.
Within a fighter’s personality is a wide array of demons to be conquered: fear, laziness, ignorance, selfishness, egotism, and so many more. When you feel self-confident, have a strong sense of purpose, and are self-motivated, your third chakra is open and healthy. If your third chakra is out of balance, you can suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues. The element is fire and the color is yellow, bright like the sun. To actually overcome one’s own defects is the true nature of victory.
By connecting to our inner sun (fire), we can generate a more positive outlook on situations and move past that downer attitude, and spring into action. That sun shines from the navel point and the solar plexus.
Let’s examine if there may be too much or too little fire within our solar plexus. Desire or consciousness applied to fire ignites will. “Disabled will” comes from too many times of being made powerless, overcriticized, or punished for our actions, taught to submit to authority, or taught that we were wrong or stupid. This leads to a sense of vulnerability to being dominated. A disabled will has no desire or enthusiasm. So the root of both a deficient and an excessive third chakra can be traced back to masked shame or an ingrained belief in low self-worth.
So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
self-confidence and a strong sense of purpose
A sense of being self-motivated
If it is deficient in energy, you can have an:
addiction to substances (caffeine, sugar, drugs) that give the illusion of energy
If it has excess energy, you can:
crave substances to sedate - alcohol, tranquilizers;
experience control issues
Moving Beyond Chakras of Matter
Moving up from the foundational lower triangle of the first three chakras, we shift perspective from our own needs, desires, and identity. We begin connecting to the community and others, as well as the subtle energy realm of ourselves. These energy centers focus on more spiritual aspects of ourselves. Let’s dive in.
The Fourth Chakra (Anahata): The Key to Your Soulful Path
If we accept that our ego is motivated by fears, then we accept that our soul path is driven by the love and compassion that sits in our heart centers. It allows us to ask if we are motivated in a particular situation, or aspect of our lives, by fear or love. I’ve found that following my fears feels inauthentic and unsatisfying. It feels less risky and less energizing. When I function from my heart, I am happier, and more in flow, and I can feel the ease of energy in my body. It doesn’t mean that I allow my heart to be open to all. I use my intuition to gauge how much love and compassion I share. Sometimes I choose to non-verbally wish someone well because I don’t want to ignore what I see as a request for compassion but it is all I am comfortable offering. It is not insignificant in the world of energy.
The Anahata chakra (aka heart chakra) sits in the center of your chest, at your heart center. It is also associated with the color element green. So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
a sense of being loved and connected to the community and the greater world around you
ease of connecting with others
If it is deficient in energy, you can:
resist trusting others
weakened respiratory system
If it has excess energy, you can:
not have appropriate emotional boundaries
put the needs of others above our own
The Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha): Speaking Your Truth
The Vishuddha chakra (aka throat chakra) is all about communication and expression. It’s easy to remember since it is found in the area around your throat and expands to include your ears (and shoulders). It works with the creative energy of your second chakra, Svadhisthana. So to express your creativity, you need a strong Vishuddha chakra. It is also associated with the color element blue.
So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
Ease speaking up for others when you see injustices done to them
ease hearing others
If it is deficient in energy, you can:
have difficulty communicating;
have low self-esteem due to poor grounding so won’t have support for their will and the voice
If it has excess energy, you can:
talk a lot and not say very much as to try to expel the excess ether;
be disengaged from your spirit and act a bit spacy
The Sixth Chakra (Ajna): Connect with Your Intuition
The Ajna chakra (aka the third eye) is located at the brow point and in front of the pituitary gland. It is also associated with the color element indigo. It is considered the center of all higher mental activities, including intuition, that sixth sense that happens that doesn’t involve words.
So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
a quick sense of what to do at the moment since your intuition is strong
If it is deficient in energy, you can:
experience mental confusion
experience anxiety and/or depression
If it has excess energy, you can:
feel disoriented
feel overwhelmed
The Seventh Chakra (Sahaswara): Expand Your Consciousness
It is at the crown of the head that we find the Sahaswara chakra (aka crown chakra). It is at the seventh chakra where we connect with divine wisdom and higher consciousness - a direct connection to our highest spiritual connections. Physically, it is connected to the pituitary gland, the master gland, and the nervous system. It is also associated with the color element violet.
So how can you check in and determine if this chakra is either balanced or not? Reflect on the following points:
If it is balanced, you can have:
a connection to the deeper meaning of life, beyond the material
If it is deficient in energy, you can:
become cynical
become sarcastic
If it has excess energy, you can:
Feel disconnected from your body
What is an Imbalanced Chakra?
If a chakra isn’t balanced, it either has too much or too little energy. If there is too much energy, your way of being (actions and thoughts) will try to remove the excess energy. For example, if you know someone who talks a lot but doesn’t really say very much. Be compassionate, s/he is trying to expel excess ether energy at the throat chakra. On the flip side, someone with too little energy in a particular chakra will also try to compensate in her/his way of being. Do you know anyone who is great at talking about making plans and doesn’t follow through? It may very well be a lack of energy in the 3rd chakra, around the solar plexus. It is here that our identity and willpower are supported. Interestingly, someone with excess 3rd chakra energy may be stubborn in her/his actions and thoughts.
Over the years, I have also found that seeing others through the lens of the chakra system has made me more compassionate. I don’t excuse bad behavior; I am better able to find an approach that is less confrontational and supportive.
Align Your Chakras with SoundWellness
Learn more about how SoundWellness can help you heal through guided meditation, yoga, gong sound therapy, or Reiki.
How to Balance Your Chakras
You can’t balance what you have yet to identify as imbalanced. So the first step is to come to a quiet place in your mind (I suggest some opposite nostril breathing) and then bring your awareness to each chakra, starting at the root, and taking a few deep breaths into each. Observe and don’t judge the sensations you experience. Is there flow and ease or is there tension? Continue working your way up through your chakras to determine which chakra has an imbalance and use your intuition to decide which one you want to focus on.
Once you’ve identified a particular chakra in need of balance, you can apply one of several of the following modalities to rebalance that chakra. Given the interrelatedness of the chakras, you may also experience additional realignments.
Meditation as Medicine
I can’t recommend this approach enough. Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa is the author of a book by this title. In addition to sharing case studies, he offers several meditations to rebalance each chakra. I have used this book for years in my yoga classes.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is all about moving the Kundalini energy from the base of the spine up the central energy channel, the Sushmana, which runs through the subtle body of all the chakras. As Kundalini Yoga moves chi through the body, it is supporting the realignment of imbalanced chakras. Kundalini Yoga offers thousands of specific classes or series of exercises called kriyas. Some target a specific chakra so you can efficiently support the realignment of a particular chakra. As an added bonus, all Kundalini Yoga classes include a meditation so coming back to this concept of Meditation as Medicine, a meditation that supports a particular chakra can be selected that amplifies the movement of energy from the kriya.
Bij Mantras
Each chakra has a particular vibration and an ancient Sanskrit mantra associated with it. Chanting the specific seed, or bij, mantra while focusing on that particular chakra can bring an internal vibration that with consistent practice can bring realignment. Below is the list of chakras and their bij mantras:
Gong Sound Therapy
In my blog, 3 Ways Gong Therapy Can Support Your Kundalini Awakening, I explained that Kundalini is the subtle feminine energy that is stored at the base of the spine in the root chakra or energy center. It is also sometimes described as the Holy Spirit, Divine Within, among others. It is raised through applied breathwork and intention that mixes positively and negatively charged energy at the root chakra… Through asanas with body locks, breathwork, meditation, and mantra (all components of a Kundalini Yoga class), it is possible to raise the energy up through the subtle central channel, the Sushumna, which runs through all the chakras.
Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique whereby a practitioner taps into universal energy/chi and through her/his hands transfers that energy to the client. The practitioner can sense where an imbalance exists and can target that point to bring relief. Bringing additional chi into the body supports the realignment of energy in the body.
Align Your Chakras with SoundWellness
Learn more about how SoundWellness can help you heal through guided meditation, yoga, gong sound therapy, or Reiki.
About SoundWellness
Monique Derfuss is the founder and President of SoundWellness offering gong sound therapy, Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, and meditation. Her wellness business is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and has helped thousands of people over the past 6+ years move beyond only taking care of their physical bodies to taking a more holistic approach to their health by integrating support of their energetic, or subtle, bodies. Check out what others have said about her services.
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