Frequency Music Trend: What Every Person Needs to Know in 2022
Everything has a frequency. From the device, you’re reading this blog on to the music that may be on in the background to the approximately 30 trillion cells in your body that are further refined to about 200 different types of cells. D.D. Hulse, author of “A Fork in the Road” is quoted as saying, “Vibrational healing methods represent new ways of dealing with illness. Practitioners of subtle energy medicine attempt to correct dysfunction in the human organism by manipulating invisible yet integral levels of human structure and function. Healing at the level of human subtle energy anatomy is predicated upon the new physics understanding that all matter is, in fact, a manifestation of energy.”
Western Medicine and Frequency
That said, the use of frequency is not new even in conventional western medicine. The Mayo Clinic uses radiofrequency ablation to treat some types of cancer. High frequency is transmitted through a needle into the cancer cell. The heat of the frequency kills cancer or precancerous cells. It is currently being used mainly as an option for surgery for treating targeted areas and for patients who cannot undergo surgery. The method has been used to treat breast, bone, and pancreatic cancer. It will be interesting to monitor further development of the use of radio frequency in treating cancer and possibly other diseases. Will this also lead western medicine to treat our whole beings from a vibrational perspective?
Several years ago, UCLA chemist, Jim Gimzewski shared his early research of what he calls sonocytology. It is the study of cell sounds. His hypothesis is that scientists may be able to identify the vibration of healthy and unhealthy cells, which can then be used as a diagnostic tool. Ratnesh Lal, a neuroscientist and biophysicist at the University of California at Santa Barbara who has studied the pulsations of heart cells kept alive in a dish, says that Gimzewski's nanotechnology expertise may be the key to establishing whether cells produce sound. It is an area that I am certainly following.
Therapeutic Frequency Music
I want to take you on a deeper dive into a topic of vibrational wellness that, like gong sound therapy, is based on ancient technology and has also been receiving greater interest. The ancient Solfeggio Scale tones were developed over 6,000 years ago by a Benedictine monk for spiritual purposes - think Gregorian chants. So like gong therapy, it’s not new technology, but the interest in the therapeutic benefits has increased. Meditative Mind summarizes the benefits of each Solfeggio frequency, which I compiled into an easy-to-use reference table below. The frequencies are listed as they relate to the chakras/energy centers. I have included both the imbalances that we typically think of associated with each chakra, as well as those that were new information for me.
What are Solfeggio 7 Frequencies and Their Uses
How to Apply Frequency Music
You can apply a particular frequency in multiple ways. I am researching and writing this blog while listening to 963hz music (link below) for several hours. I experience sensations in my head that help me connect to the higher vibrational messages that I want to share with you through this blog. So you can use it as supportive background music. There is a whole world of frequency music out there. You can find many very different tracks with the same frequency. So explore and find the one that first supports what you want to work on and then the style that resonates with you in the moment. After checking out Amazon Music, Spotify and YouTube, I find You Tube has the greatest selection. Meditative Mind’s channel speaks to me but definitely check out some of the lesser known channels.
You can also apply frequency music as you would a relaxation tape - using headphones and lying or sitting down comfortably. I recommend setting an intention since thoughts have vibrations and may support you in achieving your goal. If you want to shift the vibration of a particular room in your house, consider putting the recording on a loop and allowing it to play for hours, days, or weeks until you sense the desired energy. According to, a 2018 study from Japan discovered that music tuned to the frequency of 528 Hz significantly reduced stress in the endocrine systems and autonomic nervous systems—even after a mere five minutes of listening.
So whether you have a gong sound therapy session or simply tune into recorded music for the frequency you need, connect with yourself as a vibrational entity. Explore what that means for your well-being, as well as your interconnectedness with your natural surroundings.
Frequency 432 vs 440hz
Within the realm of frequency music, you may also have heard about comparisons between 432 and 440 hz music. According to, “Initially, there was no standardization in terms of tuning instruments to a certain pitch. According to this, each orchestra would have been tuned to a different pitch from each other. However, since the 18th century, a tuning standard (440hz) was established for Western music.” However, whether its’s because of a conspiracy theory or personal preference, many people prefer 432hz music. Personally, I find a nuanced clarity to 432hz music that perks up my ears.. According to a National Institute of Health study, “ 432 Hz tuned music was associated with a slight decrease of … blood pressure values (although not significant), a marked decrease in … heart rate .. compared to 440 Hz. The subjects were more focused about listening to music and more generally satisfied after the sessions in which they listened to 432 Hz tuned music.”. That said the study does say that further research is needed. So again explore and see what is most supportive to your well-being.
Book a Gong Therapy
Restore your mind, body and spirit with the power of gong sound therapy. You will be cocooned in the vibrations of gongs, clearing your mind & restoring your nervous system.