Anxiety Buster Breath

We all have those moments in our lives where we feel a little anxious or a little bit nervous. Fortunately we can apply a simple breathing technique that will bring in a soothing, calming energy. The only thing we need are a few minutes our hands and our breath. Incorporate this simple and effective breathing technique into your self-care routine.

How To Practice This Breath Exercise

Sit up nice and tall. If you’re sitting in a chair, make sure your feet are planted firmly on the ground. Take your right hand and press your right thumb against your right nostril and hold the other fingers straight. Inhale long and deeply through your left nostril. That means allowing your belly to expand,  filling your diaphragm and then your lungs to capacity. On your exhale roll that energy down slowly until you contract your abdominals and then begin your next breath.  Focus on extending the length of your inhale and exhale. Apply this breath through your left nostril 26 times and allow the soothing moon energy to come into your self. 

monique derfuss