Pivot to Peace and Calm

This meditation supports your parasympathetic nervous system bringing you to a more meditative state. Your nervous system consists of your sympathetic nervous system which is related to that fight-or-flight sensation which supports our survivalist instincts and your parasympathetic nervous system, which has what we call “rest and digest” qualities. It reduces your heart rate and brings you back to a sense of physical and mental balance.

Start with 3 minutes and work you way up to 11.

How To Practice This Meditation

Sit up nice and tall. Take your right hand and simply hold it in a fist at the level of your shoulder,  relaxing the elbow at your side. Lift your chest and pull your shoulder blades down. Bring your left hand up, fingers are flat and point towards the left wall. It's important that you pull the wrist back, palm and fingers are flat. Focus your eyes on the tip of the nose, only slightly open.
Take a deep inhale, allow the belly to expand, then your diaphragm, then all the way up to the collarbones. Exhale in the same slow wave, rolling that energy down until you contract your abdominals. Then suspend your breath out as long as you comfortably can.  Suspending the breath out is the key to this meditation because that’s what supports the parasympathetic nervous system. When you need to take a next breath, inhale again and continue this breathing technique. After three or 11 minutes take a deep inhale,  exhale. Inhale and exhale again. Take a third deep inhale and stretch your fingers, suspend the breath in and tighten every muscle of your body. Exhale. Take another deep inhale, exhale and observe yourself. 

monique derfuss