Don't Freak Out

The last time you freaked out did you say or do something you regretted? Try this healthy alternative. Save this video to your phone so you’re ready for the next time you’re about to freak out. Just 2-3 minutes will rebalance your brain and diffuse your emotional reaction to a person or situational trigger.

How To Practice This Meditation

Begin by drinking a glass of water. Sit up nice and tall and then cross our arms across your chest. Gently press your 4 finger tips into your armpits, keeping thumbs up outside your armpits. Pull your shoulders up towards your ears. Close your eyes as you keep forearms pressed against your chest. Pull your shoulders up and then begin to slow your breath. After 2 or 3 minutes of applying this technique, take a deep inhale, suspend the breath in, squeeze your shoulders up.  Then exhale and release the posture. Take a few normal breaths and bring your awareness back to that thing that situation that person that upsets you. Without judgement, simply observe yourself.

monique derfuss