How Will You Recognize Your Top Performers This Year?
Everyone’s health has been affected by the pandemic. So take care of those that contributed to your business’ success this year with a gift certificate for a private gong sound therapy session. Sound therapy is a growing wellness trend because it is one of the easiest ways to combat the effects of stress and anxiety.
Benefits of Gong Sound Therapy
Research on the benefits of gong sound therapy include:
Provides deep relaxation, resulting in less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood;
Reduces anxiety through biurnal sounds;
Produces a meditative state; as an altered state therapy, it brings relaxation and softens control issues;
Provides spiritual experience, activating the pleasure centers of brain also stimulated by alcohol and drugs;
Offers pain management, including relief from chronic pain and arthritis.
Since no two gong sessions are the same, each session is also a way to become more mindful, releasing the mind from past and future thoughts. If you want to learn more about the technology behind the experience, see my blog on Understanding Gong Sound Therapy.
Corporate Wellness Mental Health
The March 2021 Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor finds that about half of adults (47%) continue to report negative mental health impacts related to worry or stress from the pandemic. So supporting their well being ultimately benefits your team and ultimately your organization.
A gong session can support your employees to be more relaxed and focused. It quiets the mind, reducing the chatter and supporting greater focus. It has also been proven to reduce stress, tension, and anxiety. As an altered state therapy, it brings the mind to a meditative state without any effort. There is a reason it is called the smart or lazy person’s meditation! The softening of the mind’s control brings you mental relief and can also increase creativity as it supports the flow and realignment of energy in the body. Experience what is called gong consciousness - a clarity of mind that comes from getting out of your head and shifting to a more holistic perspective that is more sensing than thinking.
A targeted investment in your employees well-being can reduce the long-term effects that the stress of the pandemic has inflicted on them. So not only is it a smart investment for your organization, it is also a compassionate act in these challenging times. Consider collecting feedback from recipients. If they find it supportive, know that you can expand your investment in your employees with regular sessions - individual or group. Gong sound therapy is also a great compliment to a team building event or leadership training.
Check out Good Morning Washington Eileen Whelan’s reaction after just a few minutes of experiencing the gong and imagine the benefits to your most valued employees!
Book a Gong Therapy
Restore your mind, body, and spirit with the power of gong sound therapy. You will be cocooned in the vibrations of gongs, clearing your mind & restoring your nervous system.