Reduce Anxiety Now

Apply this simple and effective 3 minute meditation to reduce anxiety. Feel free to extend time to 11 minutes for a deeper experience. Practice it to your favorite version of Dhan Dhan Ram Das mantra. Mine is by Snatam Kaur and is available on Spotify.

How To Practice This Meditation

Sit up nice and tall, place your left hand in the palm of your right hand. Place your right thumb into the center of your left palm and bring your left thumb just over that second knuckle of the right thumb to hold it down lightly. Wrap your right fingers around your left hand and then bring your hands into the center of your chest. Close your eyes down begin to focus on your breath and the rise and fall of your chest and then slowly begin to sense the energy in your heart center - that energy of love and compassion for self and others. Allow the energy, that light, in your heart center to become more vibrant to become warmer more expansive. Continue for 3-11 minutes. End with a deep inhale, suspend the breath and slowly release your hands. Breath normally and simply observe your thoughts without judgement.

monique derfuss