Step Away From Your Computer: Fixing Your Posture When Sitting

Unless you’re a ballerina, odds are you don’t maintain proper posture at work and most likely hunch over your computer for hours a day. This creates neck and shoulder tension that can become quite painful. From an energetic perspective, the neck and shoulders are part of an energy wheel  known as the throat chakra. It is from there that we speak our truth and speak up for ourselves and others. So when you hold tension in that part of your body, you are restricting the energy to that part of your energetic self and make it more challenging to speak up.

Why You Need to Release Tension

Unfortunately, when sitting in front of a computer for hours we tend to allow our shoulders to round forward. So let’s focus on releasing the tension in our shoulders so that they easily slide down   Sit up straight (channel your inner ballerina) and try these techniques for 1-3 minutes each:

How To Release Tension In Your Shoulders

Slowly roll your shoulders forward as you inhale and exhale as they come down; then inhale and you roll them up and back. Exaggerate the movement and breathe into any points of tension.

How To Release Tension In Your Back

Apply the same technique as above but alternate rolling your left shoulder forward and your right shoulder back.

How To Release Tension In Your Neck

Sit up straight and squeeze your shoulders up to your ears and then allow them to drop; move quickly. It’s in the drop (not a controlled movement) that the relief comes in. End by squeezing your shoulders in the up position while you suspend your breath to allow the energy to circulate in that part of your body. Exhale and drop your shoulders. Breathe deeply into them. 

How To Release Tension In Your Body

Show your wrists some love too: hold your right forearm just below the wrist with your left hand to isolate your right hand. Shake your right hand from the wrist. Less than a minute should bring relief. Switch sides. 

Train yourself to be present in the moment and notice when the tension starts to creep in and apply these simple and effective exercises. Always remember to consult your physician for chronic or severe pain. 

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Need Help Fixing Your Posture?

Consider some yoga sessions!