Posts in yoga
5 Healthy Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

According to The American Psychiatric Association, it will affect 30% of Americans at some point in their lives. So you are not alone. I am going to share 5 ways that you can manage your anxiety that I’ve found effective and we’ll practice one together. None of them cost any money, they simply require you to take a few moments and apply these self-care techniques.

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Top Yoga Trends in 2022 - What People Are Searching

If you’re like me, it takes a while before I try something new. So even though we are already a few months into the new year, let’s look at the top 5 yoga trends that many of us are searching online. Look at your lifestyle, and particularly what your routine will be like as the world opens up more. What will support you in creating the greater inner stillness, vibrancy and well-being that is yoga?

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Yoga Poses to Combat Anxiety

Anxiety is not a condition that you can simply turn off or should ignore. You might be surprised that symptoms of anxiety can include insomnia, headache, as well as heart palpitations. You are probably not surprised to learn that Harvard Medical School research found that yoga can reduce anxiety and provide additional health benefits. But you may not know which postures are most beneficial to reduce anxiety.

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Beginner Yoga Poses to Try with Your Children

If you are looking for a new and fun activity to try with your children that will not only benefit your health but will also teach discipline, grab a mat and try these yoga poses together! Research has shown that the current generation of young adults is most stressed out generation. That was before the pandemic. The added stressors COVID-19 brings, makes it even more valuable for children to be able to tap into an inner calm and more easily face challenges and uncertainty.

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Yoga At Home: Expectations Versus Reality

When you think about practicing yoga at home, do you have an idyllic unrealistic fantasy about what that looks like? If it includes being able to achieve (and hold) challenging poses while keeping your zen on in the quiet of your candle lit home, let’s agree to just drop that fantasy and get real about practicing at home. A personal home practice is unlike anything else you can do for your mind, body and spirit. It brings you closer to your true self and allows you to confront your physical and mental strengths, as well as your challenges, all at your pace.

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An Introduction to Yoga for Stress Relief

According to the online magazine Health, a reasonable amount of stress can increase brainpower, motivate us, and even increase our resilience. However, went pushed beyond our personal levels of reasonable stress, we experience the negative impacts of too much stress on our our mind, body and souls. For these reasons, consider incorporating yoga into your daily routine.

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Step Away From Your Computer: Fixing Your Posture When Sitting

Unless you’re a ballerina, odds are you don’t maintain proper posture at work and most likely hunch over your computer for hours a day. This creates neck and shoulder tension that can become quite painful.

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Meditation for Healing: The Restorative Art of Quieting Your Spirit

Meditation has been a wellness tool for thousands of years because it’s simple and it works. Gong sound therapy is an old practice which meshes beautifully with your own meditation practice.

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