4 Secrets For Starting Yoga At Home

Even as quarantine restrictions begin to ease,  many people don’t yet feel comfortable going to a yoga studio. What to do? Start a home practice. The yoga community’s response to COVID 19 was to offer an impressive selection of live and recorded virtual classes, many with free trial memberships. Consider checking out your local yoga studios’ offerings so that if in the future you want to have the studio experience you will already know some of the teachers and how they structure their classes. 

So before you join your first virtual class, here are 4 secrets to get you off to a great start!


Find a peaceful place in your home where you can practice without being disturbed. If you live with others, pick space in a room with a door. It doesn’t need to be much bigger than the size of a  yoga mat but you also don’t want to be stuck in a dark or cluttered space. After all, you want to be able to get your zen on. 


Many yogis don’t use props because they think they’re not cool or are a sign that they’re not flexible. Wrong. Props can help you deepen your postures and may also help you hold your postures longer. So in addition to a mat, invest in a couple of yoga blocks and a strap. Have a blanket handy if the class includes deep relaxation. A warm body is more relaxed and you’d be surprised how quickly you cool down after you stop moving. 

Lastly, you will most likely sit cross-legged for part of your class, particularly if a meditation is included. In order to support proper posture, you will also want a folded blanket or a bolster. How do you know what you’ll need? Sit cross legged on the floor. Your knees should be lower than your hips. For most people that doesn’t happen without a prop. So depending on how much height you need for your knees to come below your hips, you may only need a folded blanket or you may want to invest in a bolster. Bolsters come in different heights and are worth the investment. 


Even though you’re practicing yoga at home, chances are you’ve just jumped off a Zoom call or have to negotiate with family or roommates not to be disturbed. So give yourself at least 5 minutes (set your timer) to sit quietly and breath deeply. To quiet your mind, instruct it to focus on the words inhale and exhale. As thoughts enter your mind (as they inevitably will) simply come back to the words inhale and exhale. 


For me, yoga without meditation is like finding a beautiful scenic overlook on a hike and not making the extra effort to climb up it and experience the unique beauty from that perspective.  Explore yoga classes that include a meditation, Kundalini Yoga is one sure bet. Meditating after a yoga practice, makes it much easier to drop into that stillness of mind that is meditation. One of the advantages of a home practice is that if your yoga class doesn’t include a meditation, you can add one yourself. Meditation benefits include clearer thinking and increased neuroplasticity, providing increased attention span, decreased anger and pain. To begin, keep it simple. Sitting or lying down, close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale completely a few times. Then bring your attention to your feet and breath into them. Then bring your awareness to each part of your legs and breath into each. Continue to work your way up your body; don’t rush it. If you notice any tension, breathe more deeply into that part of yourself to support an energetic shift. This meditation will help you be more present. It’s that easy! 

As with all wellness techniques, consistency is key. Mark your calendar and make a date with your mat on a regular basis. Find what works for you - weekly, 3x/week or ideally daily.