Posts tagged yoga at home for beginners
Yoga Poses to Combat Anxiety

Anxiety is not a condition that you can simply turn off or should ignore. You might be surprised that symptoms of anxiety can include insomnia, headache, as well as heart palpitations. You are probably not surprised to learn that Harvard Medical School research found that yoga can reduce anxiety and provide additional health benefits. But you may not know which postures are most beneficial to reduce anxiety.

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Yoga At Home: Expectations Versus Reality

When you think about practicing yoga at home, do you have an idyllic unrealistic fantasy about what that looks like? If it includes being able to achieve (and hold) challenging poses while keeping your zen on in the quiet of your candle lit home, let’s agree to just drop that fantasy and get real about practicing at home. A personal home practice is unlike anything else you can do for your mind, body and spirit. It brings you closer to your true self and allows you to confront your physical and mental strengths, as well as your challenges, all at your pace.

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