Posts tagged mental breakdown
Yoga Poses to Combat Anxiety

Anxiety is not a condition that you can simply turn off or should ignore. You might be surprised that symptoms of anxiety can include insomnia, headache, as well as heart palpitations. You are probably not surprised to learn that Harvard Medical School research found that yoga can reduce anxiety and provide additional health benefits. But you may not know which postures are most beneficial to reduce anxiety.

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Celebrate Mental Health Day: October 10

We all know the importance of wearing a mask and social distancing to take care of our physical health. But chances are we are not taking as good care of our mental health. Take this opportunity to begin to incorporate simple ways to elevate your mood and more easily cope with the challenges of the day. There are many things outside of our control. Here are a few things you have total control in doing.

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An Introduction to Yoga for Stress Relief

According to the online magazine Health, a reasonable amount of stress can increase brainpower, motivate us, and even increase our resilience. However, went pushed beyond our personal levels of reasonable stress, we experience the negative impacts of too much stress on our our mind, body and souls. For these reasons, consider incorporating yoga into your daily routine.

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Maintaining Balance in Challenging Times: 6 Mini Mental Breaks

So try these simple techniques to counter the effects of stress (or future mental breakdown) and take care of your mind, body and spirit.

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