Celebrate Mental Health Day: October 10

We all know the importance of wearing a mask and social distancing to take care of our physical health. But chances are we are not taking as good care of our mental health. The pandemic has shaken all of our worlds - the way we live, maybe how we make a living, as well as what and who we value in our lives. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that the pandemic can have long-term effects on our mental health.

Take this opportunity to begin to incorporate simple ways to elevate your mood and more easily cope with the challenges of the day. There are many things outside of our control. Here are a few things you have total control in doing.

Connect with Others

You are not alone. Many others are having the same experience as you so don't judge yourself. Pivot and  connect with your favorite FB group or online group. Be a part of a community that interests and engages you. Be real. It allows others to be the same and makes space for deeper, more meaningful conversations and connections.

Practice Gratitude

Expressing gratitude requires that you shift your perspective outward. It can help you move your focus beyond your current circumstance. According to Psychology Today, in addition to shifting your perspective outward and strengthening connections with others, practicing gratitude has also shown to offer additional emotional and physical benefits that are particularly important in these challenging times, including increased sense of happiness and reduced depression.

Belly Laugh

Think of a funny scene from a movie and allow yourself to laugh. Hearty belly laughing that engages the navel reduces stress levels by releasing endorphins into the body, as well as reducing blood pressure.

Take a Kundalini Yoga Class

It is considered the acupuncture of yoga as it focuses on working specific meridians, or energy channels. There are sets specifically for the challenges we face today - adrenal fatigue, a sense of disconnection from others, and lack of groundedness.

Join me for a Gong Sound Class

If you want to be taken care of, you simply need to show up and allow the vibration of the gong to wash over you and restore your nervous system. It is a non-movement experience that is like an internal massage.

Explore Insights into Self

Reflect on what this experience is bringing up for you, which buttons are being pushed. Despite the obvious challenges, the pandemic is an opportunity to grow as a person. Allow yourself to reflect, without judgement, on your reactions and see if you can trace it back to a past experience. Break the connection between your trigger and your reaction.