Posts in meditation
5 Healthy Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

According to The American Psychiatric Association, it will affect 30% of Americans at some point in their lives. So you are not alone. I am going to share 5 ways that you can manage your anxiety that I’ve found effective and we’ll practice one together. None of them cost any money, they simply require you to take a few moments and apply these self-care techniques.

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Top Yoga Trends in 2022 - What People Are Searching

If you’re like me, it takes a while before I try something new. So even though we are already a few months into the new year, let’s look at the top 5 yoga trends that many of us are searching online. Look at your lifestyle, and particularly what your routine will be like as the world opens up more. What will support you in creating the greater inner stillness, vibrancy and well-being that is yoga?

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In Need of a Mental Break? Try Gong Therapy

According to FlexJobs survey, “Overwork/unplugging is the biggest challenge for remote workers. “ Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through a mental check-in and look at ways to take care of our mental well-being for greater joy and well-being. Spoiler alert - it includes gong sound therapy!

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Before You Book the Same Old Team Building Event Again, Consider A Fresh Gong Sound Meditation Session

As your organization transitions to a post-COVID environment, you may be considering a team building event to re-establish a more cohesive work force and plan for achieving your organization’s goals in this new environment .How do you maximize your investment and achieve your goals in a fresh, innovative way? Bring in the gongs!

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Two New Meditations To Try During Quarantine

When I think about the times we live in and what we need to thrive, I come back to two main themes. One is very practical - to be able to better manage stress. The other is more subtle - to adjust my perspective to one of gratitude. So I wanted to share two of simple and effective meditations to address these themes.

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Yoga At Home: Expectations Versus Reality

When you think about practicing yoga at home, do you have an idyllic unrealistic fantasy about what that looks like? If it includes being able to achieve (and hold) challenging poses while keeping your zen on in the quiet of your candle lit home, let’s agree to just drop that fantasy and get real about practicing at home. A personal home practice is unlike anything else you can do for your mind, body and spirit. It brings you closer to your true self and allows you to confront your physical and mental strengths, as well as your challenges, all at your pace.

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Maintaining Balance in Challenging Times: 6 Mini Mental Breaks

So try these simple techniques to counter the effects of stress (or future mental breakdown) and take care of your mind, body and spirit.

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Meditation for Healing: The Restorative Art of Quieting Your Spirit

Meditation has been a wellness tool for thousands of years because it’s simple and it works. Gong sound therapy is an old practice which meshes beautifully with your own meditation practice.

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