Before You Book the Same Old Team Building Event Again, Consider A Fresh Gong Sound Meditation Session
Gong Therapy Could Be Your Best Post-COVID Team Bonding Exercise Yet
As your organization transitions to a post-COVID environment, you may be considering a team-building event to re-establish a more cohesive workforce and plan for achieving your organization’s goals in this new environment. A well-organized retreat can boost morale, increase motivation, and ultimately benefit your organization’s productivity and profitability. In a post-COVID world, your organization may also have a greater awareness of the need to invest in your employees’ mental health needs. Wrike highlights the importance of supporting the wellbeing of staff members returning to the office by “promoting positive work-life balance, safe team bonding experiences, and stress reduction.”
Team building sessions are considerable corporate investments with the challenging combination of high expectations from senior management on the one hand and less than enthusiastic reactions from the rest of the organization. So how do you maximize your investment and achieve your goals in a fresh, innovative way? Bring in the gongs!
A Gong Sound Meditation Has All the Elements of Successful Team Building
Incorporating gong sound meditation into your team-building events can support key elements of a successful team-building event or retreat by providing an innovative element of the “how.” In particular, it supports the following Forbes Coaching Council list of critical components of successful activities:
creative activities create the space to build trust and stronger relationships;
fun learning activity is powerful because setting the stage for fun unlocks creativity
greater awareness and understanding result in greater buy-in;
psychological safety, one of the strongest predictors of team effectiveness, which allows people to safely disagree and offer new ideas.
Sound of Gong - The Right Vibe
A gong session supports your employees to be more relaxed and focused. It quiets the mind, reducing the chatter and supporting greater focus. It has also been proven to reduce stress, tension, and anxiety. As a result, starting a team building session with gong can support more open and honest constructive conversations, a key element to successful team building.
Want to have a session focused on solving a particular issue? All gong sessions begin with setting an intention. In this case, the intention would be to solve a particular challenge. The gong’s support of creative thinking along with the softening of the mind’s control can support more open conversations. A facilitated discussion can follow the gong session where participants share their insights and start to collaborate on possible solutions.
Are you organizing an executive leadership training event? The Harvard Business School along with INSEAD’s research found that two of the most effective business tools for modern executives are meditation and intuition. The gong is considered the lazy or smart person’s meditation since it can provide the same benefits of meditation without the challenges of trying to quiet the mind or focus. It provides immediate results for your busy executives. A gong session can also bring the mind to an altered state, which taps into intuition and ideation, produced from stimulating theta brain waves. Since it also softens control issues, participants are more likely to share these insights during integration.
The March 2021 Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor finds that about half of adults (47%) continue to report negative mental health impacts related to worry or stress from the pandemic. For this reason, consider a wellness component to your team-building event. A gong session alone, or combined with yoga and breathwork, shows that you value your employees by investing in their mental health with a restorative gong session. Check out Good Morning Washington Eileen Whelan’s reaction after just a few minutes of experiencing the gong and imagine the benefits to your team!
Monique is pleased to serve the greater Washington, DC area (and beyond) with sound therapy.
Book a Gong Meditation
Experience relaxation, healing, and increased intuition within 5-minutes