Posts in healing music
Top Wellness Trends for 2022

Before you make your health and wellness resolutions for 2022, check out some of the top wellness trends predicted for 2022. In my research for this blog, I was happy to see that the movement to a. more conscious and holistic approach to wellness going a bit further than in the past.

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In Need of a Mental Break? Try Gong Therapy

According to FlexJobs survey, “Overwork/unplugging is the biggest challenge for remote workers. “ Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through a mental check-in and look at ways to take care of our mental well-being for greater joy and well-being. Spoiler alert - it includes gong sound therapy!

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Before You Book the Same Old Team Building Event Again, Consider A Fresh Gong Sound Meditation Session

As your organization transitions to a post-COVID environment, you may be considering a team building event to re-establish a more cohesive work force and plan for achieving your organization’s goals in this new environment .How do you maximize your investment and achieve your goals in a fresh, innovative way? Bring in the gongs!

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Monique Derfuss Introduces Gong Sound Therapy on Good Morning Washington

Heralded by celebrities as the best thing to do to relieve stress, Monique Derfuss shows off her gong therapy on Good Morning Washington.

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The Extraordinary Healing Power of Sound Therapy: Podcast with Dr. Diva Nagula

Dante Baker and Monique Derfuss discuss the healing power of gong sound therapy on this recent podcast episode with Dr. Diva Nagula.

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Meditation for Healing: The Restorative Art of Quieting Your Spirit

Meditation has been a wellness tool for thousands of years because it’s simple and it works. Gong sound therapy is an old practice which meshes beautifully with your own meditation practice.

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