Posts tagged gong
In Need of a Mental Break? Try Gong Therapy

According to FlexJobs survey, “Overwork/unplugging is the biggest challenge for remote workers. “ Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through a mental check-in and look at ways to take care of our mental well-being for greater joy and well-being. Spoiler alert - it includes gong sound therapy!

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Monique Derfuss Introduces Gong Sound Therapy on Good Morning Washington

Heralded by celebrities as the best thing to do to relieve stress, Monique Derfuss shows off her gong therapy on Good Morning Washington.

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The Extraordinary Healing Power of Sound Therapy: Podcast with Dr. Diva Nagula

Dante Baker and Monique Derfuss discuss the healing power of gong sound therapy on this recent podcast episode with Dr. Diva Nagula.

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