In Need of a Mental Break? Try Gong Therapy
Some of us have begun going back to the office part-time, while others are continuing to work solely from home. Bottom line, we are still in a period of transition. You may not have the same level and or kinds of personal interactions that you’ve had in the past - fewer people checking in with us to see how we are doing and inviting us for a coffee or lunch break. So it is important to have an honest (and non-judgmental) check-in of your mental well-being. According to FlexJobs survey, “Overwork/unplugging is the biggest challenge for remote workers. “ Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through a mental check-in and look at ways to take care of our mental well-being for greater joy and well-being.
5 Signs You Need a Mental Health Break
According to Dr. Laura Hamill, Chief People Officer & Chief Science Officer of the Limeade Institute, here are five signs it’s time to take a mental health break:
You can’t focus.
Your relationships are suffering.
You’re showing physical signs of stress.
Your self-care no longer exists.
You’re running on empty.
If you are experiencing any of these signs, the good news is that there are simple and effective tools that you can incorporate into your routine to bring you back to a healthier self.
Taking Mini-Breaks
According to the American Psychology Association research is giving us a deeper understanding of breaks, revealing that regularly detaching from your work tasks—both during the workday and in your off-hours—can help restore energy in the short term and prevent burnout in the long term. Check out my blog, Maintaining Balance in Challenging Times: 6 Mini-Mental Breaks that you can incorporate into your workday. Want help incorporating them into your routine? Schedule them on your calendar and remember to mark them as private meetings :).
Gong Sound Therapy
Complement your mini mental breaks with a deeper, more restorative experience - gong sound therapy. Gong sound therapy is a great option since the hardest part is simply making the appointment. Once you arrive, the vibration of multiple gongs and other percussion instruments do all the work. As an altered state therapy, it brings your mind to a meditative state without any effort. There is a reason it is called the smart or lazy person’s meditation! The softening of the mind’s control brings you mental relief and can also increase creativity as it supports the flow and realignment of energy in the body. Experience what is called gong consciousness - a clarity of mind that comes from getting out of your head and shifting to a more holistic perspective that is more sensing than thinking. How does it work? The gong’s vibrations create ripples in the body that can shift energy and provide relief energetic imbalances. The unique sounds and resounds are difficult for a thinking mind to label. After several minutes of experiencing these unique tones and vibrations, the mind surrenders to what it cannot identify.
As always, if you feel you need professional help, do not wait to reach out to your physician or mental health professional. There is no shame or judgment in taking care of yourself - body, mind, and spirit.
Book a Gong Meditation
Experience relaxation, healing, and increased intuition within 5-minutes.