Two New Meditations To Try During Quarantine

When I think about the times we live in and what we need to thrive, I come back to two main themes. One is very practical - to be able to better manage stress. The other is more subtle - to adjust my perspective. It’s easy to focus my energy onto what isn’t working. I can also choose to come from a place of gratitude. Gratitude is not only about being grateful, I find it also opens me up to an easier connectedness to higher consciousness/universal energy. It is more heart-centered existence. So I wanted to share two of simple and effective meditations. 

Benefits of Meditation

If you are new to meditation, check out my recent blog where I shared the benefits and some tips on how to easily begin to incorporate it into your wellness routine. Start with just 3 minutes and remember to be compassionate with yourself as you develop this new skill. 

Meditation to Alleviate Your Stress

This meditation draws on the power of pranayam, breathwork. Research has directly attributed breathing techniques to combatting multiple stress related conditions. Try this meditation at night to restore the energy you used during the day and therefore shifting you out of being in stress. 

Sit cross-legged on the floor or on the edge of your bed with feet planted firmly on the ground. Hold your spine straight and relax your shoulders. Simply rest your hands on your thighs or knees. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. 

Exhale completely and then begin your first 8 count breath. It may take a few breaths to find your comfortable 8 equal segments. Counting each segment makes you more aware of your breath. Exhale through the nose with one powerful stroke. Ideal amount of time for this exercise is 11 minutes.

To end, inhale deeply, suspend the breath in for several seconds and exhale. Do this two more times and incorporate rolling your shoulders while suspending the breath. Exhale and relax. 

Meditation to Experience Gratitude 

Sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Sit up straight, elongate the spine and relax your shoulders. Bring your cupped hands to the level of your heart as though you are receiving a precious gift. Hands are a few inches from the body and your upper arms are slightly pressed against the sides of your ribcage. 

Your eyes are slightly open and staring at the tip of the nose. This eye focus helps to quiet the mind. 

Visualize yourself in a sea of green (the color of the heart chakra). Breathe into the experience, don’t force it.  Then begin to sense  slow and steady drops of rain into your palm. Allow each drop to come through as a blessing connecting you with Source/God/Spirit. Then begin to ask for what you need in the moment. Be honest and do not judge yourself for what you ask for. It may be one thing it may be several; focus on what is truly most important to you in the moment. Give yourself permission to accept that which comes from the universe; allow the energy simply to flow. Just let it happen. After 3-11 minutes,  inhale deeply, suspend the breath in and allow yourself to project white light. Bathe yourself in the white light. Exhale and relax.