The 3 Most Common Mistakes Beginner Kundalini Yogis Make
Most students tell me that Kundalini Yoga is unlike any other form of yoga that they’ve practiced before. I would agree! I remember the first time I took a Kundalini class. It was so different and gave me a heightened sense of awareness than I can best describe as an almost out of body experience. Since Kundalini Yoga is an efficient way to move energy through the body, there’s usually a lot going on and so a lot to keep track of (even with the best teacher’s instructions). Having taught thousands of students, there are 3 immediate mistakes that I see most students make. Being aware of just these 3 points can greatly improve your practice and ultimately increase the benefit you receive from all your hard work. If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, you may want to read my recent blog, Kundalini 101, to learn more.
Spinal Alignment
Many beginner students come into a Kundalini Yoga class either excited or anxious about this experiencing this style of yoga. They plop down on their mats and wait for the teacher’s instructions. The first thing to do is actually check your alignment sitting in easy pose. You always want your hips above your knees. Most of us need a prop in order to achieve proper alignment. You can use a folded blanket, a bolster or even a block if it’s comfortable. Once you’ve set yourself up, notice if your knees are touching the ground. If they aren’t, support them with either blocks or folded blankets. You don’t want to have to hold this position for several minutes and be distracted by your shaking legs!
Why is alignment important? In Kundalini Yoga, we move energy through the central channel, the sushmana. This an ethereal part of ourselves that runs parallel to the spine and courses through all chakras/energy centers. When the spine is straight, the energy can move easily. Is a racer faster on a straight course or on a curved course? It’s the same concept. Make it easy on yourself. There will probably be challenging parts of the class that you won’t be able to overcome so easily!
Arm and Leg Positions
For the same reason that you want your spine to be straight, you want your arms and/or legs to be straight, unless otherwise instructed. Whether the arms are resting on the knees or circling overhead. You want the energy to move easily through the meridians in the body. Keeping these channels straight, make it easier for the energy to travel through the body and rebalance the energy. With each pose, think of your body as an energy super highway and you are the construction manager.
Mudra Finger Pressure
Kundalini Yoga is very efficient at moving energy in the body because it integrates many elements into a single class. Mantra, breath work, poses, eye focus, and mudras are the main elements of a typical Kundalini Yoga class. Mudras are hand and finger positions that activate acupressure points to stimulate energy to a particular part of the body and/or brain. Many mudras call for 2 fingers to be pressed together. For these mudras, gyan mudra is the most popular, it is important to use about 2 pounds of pressure to activate the acupressure point. I often see students pressing their nails into their fingertips or barely making contact. Get the full benefit of the mudra by doing it correctly.
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