What is a 'Kundalini Experience" and How to Achieve One
What is a Kundalini Experience?
Even though Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice and one that was introduced to the west more than 50 years ago, there is still quite a bit of mystique around the technology. In an earlier blog, Kundalini Rising 101, I explained what a Kundalini Rising/Awakening is and what it isn’t. The bottom line is that a complete and sustained sense of oneness with the universe will be achieved by a minority of people after years of dedicated practice. That’s the truth. But don’t be discouraged. The exploration of Kundalini Yoga is far from an all-or-nothing experience. There is a great richness of increased awareness that can occur between your first class and having a Kundalini Rising. After all, it is called the yoga of awareness. For me, it is an important reminder that forward-looking, maybe even lofty goals are valuable but that the present experience is where the learning and spiritual growth occurs. Hopefully, I’ve gotten back your attention to learn more! So let’s look at what is realistic.
Is a Kundalini Experience Achievable?
Although a Kundalini Awakening is a rare experience, a Kundalini experience, or simply put a higher vibrational awareness, even for a limited amount of time, is achievable. Joan Shirarpita Harrigan shares in her book “Kundalini Vidya: The Science of Spiritual Transformation” Kundalini rising as the journey that one individual, takes to reach her beloved on a mountain top. At the mountain top, her partner is in a state of elevated meditation, experiencing oneness with all. Her goal is to traverse the challenges of the human world to reach that state of pure consciousness. Along the path, she is supported by tastes of this divine state of being. These tastes or experiences are absolutely achievable.
After teaching thousands of students, the most common experiences my regular students shared include:
a heightened sense of intuition: this is the ability to tap into subtle energy and sense things that may not be obvious to others.
an ability to assess a situation from a higher perspective: the chatter in the mind quiets and an objective clarity enters. It is almost like watching a movie (and you are the star)! You can more clearly see your fears as well as the opportunities that a particular situation present to you. Without judgment, you make decisions based on what is in the best interest of your soul rather than your ego.
sensations in the body: as the Kundalini energy is tapped and moves up from the base of the spine, you may experience a tingling or even an uncomfortable sensation as energetic blockages are released. When I started practicing Kundalini Yoga, I attended classes twice a week. I had tears running down my face during most of those classes as I rebalanced the energy in my heart chakra.
Begin Your Path to a Kundalini Experience
For some, the taste of a divine state of being can be experienced in your first Kundalini Yoga class. You may not have the words to describe it. You may find yourself simply asking yourself after class, “what was that?” With regular practice, you will have an increased awareness or sensitivity to the physical and energetic shifts. Over time, you may then reach insights into patterns of thoughts and sensations. One of the advantages of Kundalini Yoga is that classes are designed to target specific meridians. By integrating mantra, mudras, and breathwork with postures, you can rebalance a particular part of yourself in as little as 30 minutes. So a Kundalini experience is totally accessible.
Gong Sound Therapy
I would be remiss (and maybe even disappoint some of you), if I didn’t also include the value of gong sound therapy to support your Kundalini experience. In a recent blog, 3 Ways Gong Therapy Can Support Your Kundalini Awakening, I shared how both the release of blocked energy, as well as the altered state perspective of a gong experience can support raising your Kundalini vibration.
SoundWellness Special
To get you started today, I have a special package of five or ten private classes. At the end of either series, you will have a solid foundation to join a public class or maybe even start your own personal practice. Let’s talk!
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Experience relaxation, healing, and increased intuition within 5-minutes.