Hello from Santa Fe! Where I Believe the Nation's Wellness Center Can Be Found
What Prompted the Move from NOVA to Santa Fe
Like many people, the pandemic forced me to slow down (dramatically). Almost overnight SoundWellness’ business came to a complete stop. After the initial shock, I offered online classes but the internet was quickly flooded with free and low-cost classes, so as many other teachers experienced, it wasn’t worth the investment.
So I sat still. I allowed myself to reflect on the fear and uncertainty of my situation. It was messy. I always knew that the energy of the greater Washington, DC area didn’t nurture me. At the same time, I was aware of the need there for the healing arts and so had always focused on being in service and less on my own spiritual development and joy.
So sitting in stillness, I began to question whether staying in Washington, DC area was part of my future. Could I fully be in service when I wasn’t being nurtured in the ways that I needed now? So I began to ask for guidance. The download came quickly and was consistent for over a year. Go to Santa Fe. The message I got was that not only would it be nurturing for me but I also had past life connections here that would be valuable to explore. For my own spiritual development, I had always been curious about native American wisdom and sensed that I wanted to be around it and not just study it from afar.
I had been to Santa Fe several times and was struck by the natural beauty, the arts, and the elevated vibe of the city and the surrounding area. That said, I questioned my guides and Source regularly during that time. I finally came to the decision to fully trust the cosmos and start making plans.
Is Santa Fe What I Expected It to Be?
Santa Fe is fondly called the City Different because of its unique combination of cultures. You have Native Americans, Anglos, Mexicans, and a smattering of other cultures creating the fabric of Santa Fe. After 4 months here, I’m still exploring the city and the surroundings. That said, there are patterns that I have experienced that confirm that this is where I am meant to be now.
Starting a business over in a new city comes with the same fears and frustrations as anywhere. That said, I am in greater flow here. The people I meet, the connections I am making are easy. Yes, I still have my spreadsheet of organizations and people to contact but when I do there is greater receptivity and meaningful person conversations than I had in DC. I am among my tribe.
Being close to nature on a daily basis, not just for a weekend hike, is one of the most important aspects of being in Santa Fe for me. I am surrounded by mountain ranges, which this time of the year have snow-capped peaks. They are just stunning and keep life in perspective for me. Their majesty reminds me that I am but a speck of light in this grand cosmos. The beauty of nature all around me is also important simply for its aesthetic value. It also helps to keep my mind clear and for downloads to flow more easily.
The pace of life in Santa Fe for an east coast transplant does take some getting used to. Despite the fact that it is the state capital, it has a small-town feel and a relaxed, mañana pace. I obviously can’t change it so I am learning to embrace it for what it has to offer me and my well-being. So what does it look like? People connect with one another. Whether it’s at the grocery checkout or at the airport, people look you in the eyes and are present in the conversation. As a newbie, whose partner hasn’t moved here yet, it’s particularly important to experience that connection with other humans. I have yet to see or experience road rage.
My exposure to the Native American communities is happening organically. Whether it’s meeting an amazing flute player in his instrument store or picking up interesting books at the local bookstore and finding the author on Facebook. Wisdom is shared through conversation and experiences. I tend to explore new topics experientially and then find the need to study to gain a fuller appreciation. I did the same with Kundalini Yoga and the gong and see that happening with learning about the many tribes that are integral parts of this landscape.
What Is the Wellness Community Like in Santa Fe?
Yogi Community
The Kundalini Yoga community is one of the first groups that I looked for. It is smaller than I expected. I thought being so close to the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das ashram in Espanola would be larger. It’s not a judgment, just an observation. Like in most other cities, other types of yoga dominate the studio schedules. I am sitting with the idea of offering classes at a studio both to begin being in greater service and to step back into the role of teacher that I miss.
Energy Workers Community
The healing arts are widely accepted in Santa Fe as mainstream. The President of the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce even commented to me that she is seeing an increase in the number of wellness sector small businesses coming to Santa Fe. The first time I offered a gong class, I asked if this was anyone’s first time experiencing the gong. Not one hand in a room of 20 people was raised. Since these complementary modalities are widely accepted, the community is quite large. Since most practitioners are trained in multiple modalities, you can also find interesting hybrid services. Before moving to Santa Fe, I was aware that there would be more competition here and it was a consideration; I trusted the cosmos and moved anyway. I’m finding that it’s the personal relationships and having people experience my offerings, that are allowing me to establish myself here.
Corporate Wellness Community
When you think of big corporate presences in New Mexico, you focus on Albuquerque and other cities. Santa Fe has a greater concentration of smaller businesses in the hospitality industry. That said, there is an increased awareness of the need for corporate wellness. The impacts of the pandemic didn’t spare Santa Fe. I’m still learning about how corporations in the area are, and aren’t, addressing the needs of their staff. Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and smoking-related conditions are widespread in New Mexico. I’m excited to explore this market more and I suspect I will be working with smaller companies, as well as non-profits like universities.
Psychedelics Community
Given its reputation as a destination for those seeking healing and alternative lifestyles, you might expect that psychedelics are as mainstream as the healing arts. Psilocybin, aka magic mushrooms, can be legally grown for personal use since 2005. However, it can’t be extracted or dried, which is necessary for commercialization. All other psychedelics are currently illegal. In the short time that I have been here, I have heard mainly of people using magic mushrooms and peyote. I don’t know if it is the close connection to nature that makes these drugs more popular than say LSD or MDMA, which are synthetic. Maybe I just haven’t met these people yet. According to tripsitter.com, in New Mexico “natural psychedelics … like mescaline and ayahuasca will likely be decriminalized soon.”
What Am I Doing with Sound Wellness Now in Santa Fe
Starting a new business anywhere requires a lot of networking. Santa Fe is no different. What I do appreciate here is the focus on relationships and a desire for long-term connections. So I know the local coffee shops well! I’ve joined the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, which has been incredibly helpful and an easy way to make a lot of business contacts quickly.
My passion for offering animal Reiki began several months before moving here. So the animal rescue community was top of my list. The Santa Fe Animal Shelter Humane Society was looking for a Reiki practitioner so shortly after I contacted them, I found myself there several times a week. It is a volunteer gig and incredibly rewarding. The dogs have taught me so much in terms of how to hone my offering and what is possible in the realm of Reiki healing.
I miss my home studio. For those who came for private, couple, and small group sessions, you know how special it was. I am currently renting a small house so can’t replicate it. That said, I offer individual and couple sessions in smaller dedicated spaces and remind myself that the intention of each session and the energy that is attracted into the space is still an important and supportive offering. In the months to come, I will listen for guidance and decide how and where similar spaces will be created.
I am offering monthly full moon events at a studio called The Sound Temple. The studio has 5 gongs so you know I’m in heaven! It’s a fairly new studio so quite open to new offerings. It is also a draw for all things vibrational. So definitely part of my tribe. I’m listening for what I’m meant to do there.
I’ve also started recording soundscapes for the WebbWell app. I will be doing more of that and will start offering personalized soundscapes online that you can order as a gift for yourself or to celebrate someone. Watch my social media accounts for announcements.
Partnerships I Am Coordinating and Developing for a Better Wellness Experience
Some people say Santa Fe is a competitive market, particularly in the healing arts; I haven’t experienced it. The openness and interest in collaboration here is exciting. I’m collaborating with a personal coach to create a suite of corporate wellness offerings. She is already in discussion with one company and has a few other conversations started. The complementarity of our services makes it interesting to be able to provide more holistic support to employees. I enjoy the creative side of developing offerings.
I was just welcomed into The Bishop’s Lodge family! It belongs to the international Auberge Resorts Collection of properties and was rated as one of the best 2022 new hotels in the world. It’s a healing space with unique offerings. I will offer a suite of unique experiences for both individual guests, as well as for corporate retreats. I love their openness to creating unique classes!
I am also in discussions with a recovery center, a community that is close to my heart. The understanding and appreciation for gong sound therapy, Reiki, and Kundalini Yoga with this organization are consistent with what I have found with every other company or individual that I have met here. We can skip discussions on the technology and the science as people have experienced it (if they’re not practitioners themselves). Instead, the discussions are more about what is creatively possible and about integrating services into existing programs.
Santa Fe is a Wellness Destination
According to Santa Fe tourism website, “Santa Fe is one of America’s most historic, artistic, and fascinating cities. Known as ‘The City Different,’ … is 400+ years of cultural fusion with echoes of the past alive in the present.” Tourists seem to come mainly to experience the combination of unique culture and food, the art scene, as well as the natural beauty. My sense is that its draw as a wellness destination is undervalued. Looking at wellness through the lens of mind, body, and spirit balance, Santa Fe has it all. The combination of natural beauty and its healing qualities, the energy of the Native American cultures, along with the city’s unique spas, healing arts offerings, and surrounding vortexes make it a hidden gem! The energy here is subtle and incredibly powerful. For those looking for an unexpectedly nurturing place to explore, I invite you to come to Santa Fe!
Start Your Healing Journey with SoundWellness!
If you’re in the Santa Fe area and would like to explore the benefits of gong sound therapy, kundalini yoga, pet reiki, or more, contact Monique today.
About SoundWellness
Monique Derfuss is the founder and President of SoundWellness offering gong sound therapy, Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, and meditation. Her wellness business is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and has helped thousands of people over the past 6+ years move beyond only taking care of their physical bodies to taking a more holistic approach to their health by integrating support of their energetic, or subtle, bodies. Check out what others have said about her services.
Subscribe on YouTube to SoundWellness or the company newsletter for helpful wellness videos and information to support your vibrant well-being. For general inquiries, please call 202-355-8136 or contact Monique by email.