Unlocking the Power of Animal Chakras: How Energy Work Can Improve Your Pet's Health
What are Animal Chakras and How Do They Work?
For animal lovers across the globe, it will probably come as no surprise that our animals’ energy systems are very similar to our human ones. Therefore, addressing energetic imbalances is a valuable modality to add to your pet’s holistic care treatment. Chakras are energy centers in the human body, but did you know that animals have chakras, too? In fact, many believe that understanding and balancing the chakras of our furry friends can improve their physical and emotional well-being. While some may view this concept as "woo-woo," animal chakras have been studied by holistic veterinarians and animal communicators for decades. In this blog, we'll delve into the basics of animal chakras, their significance, and how we can support our animal companions through chakra balancing.
How Pet Chakras are Connected to Your Pet's Body and Mind
According to Dr. DeCozio, an equine veterinarian with degrees in veterinary acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, “the energy field is usually much wider than in humans. Because of their survival instincts, their aura absorbs much more sensory information than humans. Their chakras receive and disperse energy through each chakra individually, giving them higher sensitivity to the vibrations in the environment.” This explains why as a Reiki practitioner, I sense my animal clients more easily receiving Reiki energy and channeling it through their bodies.
Understanding the Relationship Between the Seven Animal Chakras and Your Pet's Health
The 7 main animal chakras are similar to human chakras in that they are energy centers that run along the spine and throughout the body. As I shared in my blog, Understanding the Chakra System: Viewing Your Wellbeing Through the Nexus of Mind, Body, & Soul, The chakras/energy centers encompass every aspect of your life. They are related to your physical, emotional, and psychological self. What I find so impactful is the holistic perspective that the chakra system takes. It encompasses your mind, body, soul, and spirit. So it can be a profound tool to assess your well-being at any point and help you focus your energy to bring your holistic self back into greater balance.
Like humans, animals have seven primary chakras, each corresponding to a different aspect of their physical and emotional well-being. Here is a breakdown of the seven animal chakras and their associated functions:
Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is associated with survival, grounding, and stability. Balancing the root chakra can help animals feel more secure, calm, and connected to the earth.
Sacral Chakra: Located just below the navel, this chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions. Balancing the sacral chakra can help animals feel more joyful, expressive, and in tune with their feelings.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Located in the upper abdomen, this chakra is associated with self-esteem, confidence, and personal power. Balancing the solar plexus chakra can help animals feel more assertive, confident, and empowered.
Heart Chakra: Located in the center of the chest, this chakra is associated with love, compassion, and connection. Balancing the heart chakra can help animals feel more loving, open, and empathetic.
Throat Chakra: Located in the throat, this chakra is associated with communication and self-expression. Balancing the throat chakra can help animals express themselves more clearly and confidently.
Third Eye Chakra: Located in the center of the forehead, this chakra is associated with intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. Balancing the third eye chakra can help animals tune into their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.
Crown Chakra: Located at the top of the head, this chakra is associated with a connection to the divine and higher consciousness. Balancing the crown chakra can help animals feel more spiritually connected and aligned with their purpose.
There is some debate over the existence of an eighth major chakra only found in animals. As shared by equine Reiki practitioner, Kathryn Hulland, “The Brachial chakra is located on either side of the body, in the area of the shoulders. It is the main energy centre for all animals and links directly to all other chakras. It is the centre which relates to animal-human interaction and any healing should always begin at this chakra. Animals which have a strong, healthy link with their human companions usually have a vibrant Brachial chakra, as it is the centre where the animal-human bond is formed and carried.”
In addition to the 7 or 8 major chakras, animals also reportedly have minor chakras. As explained by Dr. Cara Gubbins, in her book Animal Chakras, “Humans have chakras in the soles of their feet and the palms of their hands. Animals have corresponding chakras in their paws, hooves, find and wings”. There are also minor chakras in each joint. The minor chakras support the flow of energy in the 7 (or 8) main chakras.
Signs that Your Pet's Chakras May Be Imbalanced
Like any sentient being, if a chakra isn’t balanced, it either has too much or too little energy. If there is too much energy, your way of being (actions and thoughts) will try to remove the excess energy. The behavior will be an extreme version of what a balanced chakra would exhibit. With too little energy, you will notice that the behavior is the opposite of what it ideally would be.
Now, let's take a closer look at each of the seven animal chakras and their significance:
Root Chakra: As mentioned earlier, the root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of safety, grounding, and stability. When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, animals may experience anxiety, fear, or insecurity.
Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra, located just below the navel, is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions. A balanced sacral chakra is exhibited with ease of being and easily receiving and giving affection.
Solar Plexus Chakra: The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is associated with personal power and self-esteem. When balanced, this chakra can help animals feel more confident, assertive, and able to take control of their lives.
Heart Chakra: The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, is associated with love, compassion, and connection. A healthy heart chakra can help animals form strong bonds with their owners and other animals, as well as experience more pleasure and joy in life.
Throat Chakra: The throat chakra, located in the throat, is associated with communication and self-expression. A balanced throat chakra can help animals communicate their needs and emotions more effectively.
Third Eye Chakra: The third eye chakra, located in the center of the forehead, is associated with intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. When balanced, this chakra can help animals tune into their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. They have an innate knowing.
Crown Chakra: The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with wisdom and a balanced nervous system. A balanced crown chakra can help animals feel more connected to the universe and their purpose in life.
By understanding the significance of each animal chakra, pet owners and animal lovers can take steps to balance and support their furry friend's overall health and well-being. In the next section, we'll explore some practical techniques for balancing animal chakras.
Balancing Your Pet's Chakras: Techniques and Practices
Balancing animal chakras is a holistic way to support your pet's health and well-being. Here are some techniques and tips you can use to balance your pet's chakras:
Reiki: As I shared in my blog, Animal Reiki, Exploring the Possibilities of Animal Healing for Pets, Reiki is a Japanese biofield/energy healing technique that promotes stress reduction, deep relaxation, and healing by channeling universal life energy and supporting good health. All living things have chi running through them. So it should be no surprise that animals, four-legged, winged, and others, can benefit from Reiki.
Aromatherapy: Essential oils can be used to stimulate specific chakras in animals. Bach Floral Essences have been around since the 1800s. They utilize the vibrational properties of flowers to address imbalances in the body. They can also be used for humans. My go-to Bach product is Rescue Remedy. The veterinary version is made without alcohol. It is a blend that can be given either in your animal’s food or water.
Acupuncture: Just like in humans, energy channels, or meridians, may be blocked. The physical application of needles to specific points supports the increased flow of energy/prana in the body and thereby rebalancing a particular chakra or chakras.
Massage: Gentle massage can help to release tension and improve circulation in your pet's body, promoting balance and healing in their chakra system.
The Emotion Code™ is the work of Dr. Bradley Nelson. As Dr. Marlene Siegel, DVM, shares, “This technique requires proficiency in Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing. Using a series of charts, the “root emotion” associated with the problem is identified and then released.
Remember to always pay attention to your pet's cues and adjust your techniques accordingly. Balancing animal chakras is not a substitute for proper veterinary care, but it can be a powerful tool for supporting your pet's health and happiness.
The Importance of Clearing and Balancing Pet Chakras for Optimal Pet Health
Rebalancing energy at any age for any sentient being is beneficial. Consider it a part of a holistic approach to your pet’s care. Balanced animal chakras can have a range of benefits, both physical and emotional. Here are six benefits of balancing your pet's chakras:
Reduces stress and anxiety: Balanced animal chakras can help to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a sense of relaxation and calmness.
Improves immune function: By balancing your pet's chakras, you may be able to improve their immune function and help them to better fight off illness and disease.
Enhances emotional well-being: Balanced chakras can help to improve your pet's emotional well-being, promoting feelings of happiness and contentment.
Supports physical healing: Balanced animal chakras can also support physical healing by promoting better circulation, relaxing tense muscles, and reducing inflammation.
Increases energy and vitality: By promoting balance in your pet's chakra system, you may be able to boost their energy levels and overall vitality.
Strengthens the bond between pet and owner: Engaging in chakra balancing with your pet can also help to strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion, providing a sense of shared connection and deepening your relationship.
By incorporating chakra balancing techniques into your pet's routine, you can help them to achieve greater overall health and well-being, promoting a sense of balance and harmony in their body, mind, and spirit.
Exploring the Connection Between Pet Chakras and Animal Communication
Communicating with animals is obviously much different than having a conversation with a human client. Yes, we may be able to read their body language and behaviors but most people won’t be able to communicate with animals to understand their past and their traumas. I was very surprised when I began offering animal Reiki how open most animals are to sharing their stories. It has been humbling and incredibly helpful as I offer myself as a witness to their stories and an energy channel to support them in rebalancing their energetic selves.
The information received by an animal communicator can not only support the energy work that they may apply but can also be shared with the animal’s veterinarian.
Animal spirit guides
I work a lot with dogs at a local animal shelter. Many of the dogs that I work with suffer from anxiety and grief. It’s understandable when you consider the trauma they have experienced either by being given up by their guardians or other traumas of being a stray. In my sessions, these dogs are shown how to rebalance their chakras through a connection with a spirit guide dog. There is a couple of German Shepherd spirit guides that generally channel a sense of calm and groundedness through me. They can communicate with my canine clients in a way that I can only describe as canine speak. I sense that I only understand a fraction of what is being shared and that’s fine. I’m grateful that these compassionate spirit guides support these dogs to release and rebalance in a way that I couldn’t do without them.
One of my recent clients was a high-energy young dog named Charming that had no manners. He would jump, be mouthy, and have only one thing on his mind - play. It made him difficult to manage and was a hindrance to his adoptability. He has an elderly, overweight, almost blind cattle dog spirit guide. His spirit guide came through with his no-nonsense grandfatherly energy. He exposed Charming to discipline. It took several sessions but I will never forget Charming sitting still, ears perked, and with calm awareness listening to what was going on outside the treatment room while looking a bit stoned (for lack of a more scientific description).
Integrating Pet Chakra Healing into Your Holistic Pet Care Routine
Reiki isn't just for humans. This Japanese energy technique has been shown to help animals with the following conditions: healing from injury or surgery, trauma recovery, or relief from stressful situations. Contact Monique for Pet Reiki services today!
About SoundWellness
Monique Derfuss is the founder and President of SoundWellness offering gong sound therapy, Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, and meditation. Her wellness business is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and has helped thousands of people over the past 9 years move beyond only taking care of their physical bodies to taking a more holistic approach to their health by integrating support of their energetic, or subtle, bodies. Check out what others have said about her services.